Some thoughts from my Soul

Sometimes, I feel, or am drawn to, certain things, without a conscious motivation. It can be a jump in my heart, or a compulsive feeling to do something, learn something, see someone or go somewhere. There are times when these things have been trying to tell me something, when I've been shaken into change, either by other people or by circumstances. I think, with hindsight, I needed to tune into the messages and recognise that my soul has beeenbeen calling me to live a more spiritual life, which I'm currently trying to do.


I think I'm making moves to help me begin to live the right life for me, although I'm also living with a lot of uncertainty at the moment. Other people have a lot of say in what they want for me, but I'm unsure as to how well this would fit with my soul's purpose, and whether their decisions may be channelling a nudge from the Universe in a certain direction...

Positive use of your Smart Phone!

Almost everyone has a smartphone these days, and they have a multitude of ever-increasing purposes! Social media can be positive and supportive. My experiences of it are mostly good, but I also know a lot of people who have found it problematic. 


Anyway, I just wanted to mention a few apps I use on my smartphone which I find really positive for my mental and physical health, so here's some suggestions:

* Woebot ( is basically a CBT coach who checks in with you daily, or as often as you choose, and helps you to understand and manage difficult thoughts and feelings.


Calm is focused around guided meditation and mindfulness, with a 10 minute daily practice. It also has relaxation music and bedtime stories.


*Headspace also focuses around mindfulness, and offers a daily practice, themed 'bundles', and SOS de-stress meditations.


Happify aims to make you happier through a range of themed courses, which work on the core elements of happiness, such as savouring, giving to others and taking action.


These are just a selection of apps I've tried and liked- there are many more out there! I'd certainly recommend trying a few of them. We tend to have our phones with us most of the time anyway, so why not add a bit of positivity to this age of technology?!! I'd love to hear your experiences too, so feel free to leave a comment or drop me a message 💖

"Even the worst things 

Have hidden gold",

Or so I tell myself

To feel more bold.

Sometimes it's hard 

To make sense of life;

One of many reasons

That struggles are so rife.

An Open Letter to anyone dealing with people who struggle with their mental health


Dear whoever you may be,


I'm a person who struggles with my mental health.


Yes, a PERSON who struggles with my mental health. Please don't ever treat me like anything less than human, or judge me because someone has arbitrarily slapped a particular label on me.


Don't look down on me, pity me or laugh at me.


Don't make assumptions about things you don't understand- for your sake, I'm glad you don't understand, but it could just as easily be you, or anyone else someday. Mental illness doesn't discriminate.


So don't assume I self-harm for attention, that it's a cry for help, or that I enjoy pain and won't want any painkillers, that I can't have an eating disorder because you've seen me eat, or that I'm dangerous because I sometimes get frustrated or angry.


If you don't understand, ASK before you judge, and if you have no interest, you have no right to judge me.


How do you know about my past, how educated I am, what I do with my time or what thoughts I have to deal with? And there's this misconception that mental illness means you're stupid. I've been told so many times that I 'seem too sensible' to deliberately starve my body, and let me tell you, some of the deepest and most intelligent conversations I've ever had have been on psych wards!!!


Mentall illnesses are many and widespread, and everyone is an individual, so please, PLEASE keep this in mind when talking to me or anyone else struggling, as we are people before diagnoses. Someone with cancer or heart disease is unlikely to have to fight to be treated like a person, rather than an illness, or, worse still, to be made to feel like they've done something wrong. No-one chooses to struggle with their mental health.


So please treat me with the respect, dignity and compassion you would expect from someone else should you ever find yourself struggling with your own mental health. 


Thank you for reading; please feel free to copy, share, etc.











Ain't that the truth!!!!

Random Acts of Kindness... ☺

"In a world where you can be anything, be kind"

Random Acts of Kindness, often abbreviated to RAKs, have recently taken the world by (very positive!) storm!!! 

A lot of people these days don't remember the movie 'Pay it Forward' (Haley Joel Osment, Helen Hunt), but this kind of brought the idea into the public arena, with the young Osment's character suggesting, for a social studies project, that he does 3 things that make a big impact on people's lives, then each of those people does the same, and so on. His idea was on a big scale, but it was a great movie  (though sad, so have tissues ready if you're going to watch...).

The difference with the evolved, modernized RAK is that they just have to be tiny good deeds, but ones that aren't expected, you don't necessarily claim credit for, and there's no obligation to pay it forward (though one would hope that being the recipient of kindness would encourage a kinder outlook). They can be literally anything, whatever you can do, with whatever you have.


• Buy a sandwich and hot drink for a homeless person 

• Let someone with a few items go ahead of you in a queue 

•On a plane, train, coach or in a restaurant, write a positive message and leave it for the next person to find

• When you see someone slightly short if the balance of their shopping, give them the difference.....

.. and so many more!!!

These RAKs can be anything at all that you want and are able to do, maybe just smiling at a stranger or leaving a nice comment for a cashier or waitress. Hopefully you'll feel good, and kindness will spread as far and wide as possible. And whenever someone is kind to you, show them your appreciation, but also take any opportunity to show kindness to others whenever possible. 

BODHISATTVA: a friend of the world who, motivated by compassion, spontaneously seeks to improve his or her good qualities for the benefit of each and every living being.

So, my challenge to each and every one of you is to carry out a RAK, and see where it takes you...



A sneaky beer in Africa's highest pub in Lesotho

The first of what turned out to be many bungee jumps, Victoria Falls

Greetings- welcome to my little world!

Cuddling the little people of Uganda!

Hello to anyone who is reading this. I'm Laura (nicknamed Lola) and, as it says above, I'm a somewhat crazy travel lover, currently a bit limited on actually taking trips, so I'm spending a lot of time looking through photos, enviously following other people's trips and planning potential future trips. I'm also a book lover (real books, NOT electronic ones!) and a slight addiction to Netflix :-)

Deep emotional stuff...

Happiness and Sadness working in synergy!

So, I'm guessing a fair few of you will have seen the movie Inside Out. I loved it, not least because it outlined how happiness is relative, so we need sadness to appreciate happiness, and also as a social signal to others that we are not ok. Yet somehow in modern society it has become not okay to be not okay and so sadness and other difficult emotions get held in, making the more pleasant emotions less meaningful and less frequent. So, I just wanted to acknowledge the need and validity of ALL emotions, even those dreaded ones that people dare not speak... envy and shame! Be honest, be true to yourself and try and listen to your emotions as they're almost certainly trying to tell you something!